MF 35 parts

I am looking for parts for a mf 35 deluxe, specifically the bearings and seals inside the input shaft housing from transmission to engine. I have been to every bearing and parts place around me and can't seem to get them. Anyone have a source? Too good of a little tractor to scrap, but that's what it will be if I can't find parts for it. Thanks all
What info did you need to order them and get the correct ones? I ordered one set and they were wrong
Check out these parts and see if they are the ones you need. Item #: 172367, Item #: 169639 and Item #: 165141. I had to call to get the seal that goes inside the hollow shaft.
Check out these parts and see if they are the ones you need. Item #: 172367, Item #: 169639 and Item #: 165141. I had to call to get the seal that goes inside the hollow shaft.
Thanks for those I really appreciate it. Any idea on the part number for the last seal? I am not really sure what to ask them for if I call them. Thanks again!

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