Mini Excavator

I am looking to buy a used mini Excavator. If u buy around an 8000 lb one can you take out trees and if so how big. I know a bigger one would be better but really cannot afford that size and want to be able to transport it. Any comments appreciated.

I am looking to buy a used mini Excavator. If u buy around an 8000 lb one can you take out trees and if so how big. I know a bigger one would be better but really cannot afford that size and want to be able to transport it. Any comments appreciated.

An 8000 pound class excavator can remove trees. How big of a tree will depend on many things. Are you thinking of just knocking them down and tearing them out with the excavator or cutting them down and digging the stumps out? How long do you want to spend on removing one tree?

What any machine can do is also based on the operator. I have seen big machines out worked by small ones because of the operator's skill. What you can do with an 8000 pound machine will depend on how skilled you are as the operator. No trying to put you down, you may be well versed with an excavator, however your question leads me to believe you don't have much seat time in one.
Before you buy a used one, make sure to find out about parts availability. Some are impossible to get parts for except for used from the wrecking market. There are certain models of Hitachi that are impossible to get parts for even though that is a respected brand in the big picture of things. I have a Kubota mini-excavator, they seem to be one of the better ones for parts support, that said, the dealers frown if you have a grey market machine. But even there, if you run into a friendly and helpful parts-counter guy you will go a long ways with help. That's my own experience.

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