Minos Drum mower part needed

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
OK guys, I've been to tractor supply, rural king Napa and the local Massey dealer(where I bought the unit 15 years ago ( and the local John Deere dealer with no luck at all. The slip clutch started making a noise so I pulled it apart and the 3 springs are broken, they measure .310 diameter x somewhere around an inch long. They set in a hole so they can't be any bigger unless I drill the hole out. I thought sure someone would have them. The Massey dealer tells me that they don't have a breakdown diagram so the only thing they can do is sell me a complete pto shaft for $5oo+, nope ain't gonna do that. So I'm going to people who know about farm equipment--you guys. It takes 3 ea. of them so help is needed, I do have another mower that I can use but I'd sure like to put this one back in the field. Thanks again for any help you guys can give me. This is the first time I've had any problem at all with this mower besides putting new blades on it, Keith
One source might be McMaster-Carr. They are an industrial supply company an have a large variety of springs to pick from with specs. You might be able to match yours up to one of them. I've no connection to the company but have used them multiple time in situations like this.
Mcmaster-Carr Has a bunch of different ones, .3" OD x 1" long, the other dimension you will need is the wire diameter to hopefuly get you close to what you have, The do have .312" OD, but not in 1" lg
A couple of hardware stores near me have a pretty good selection of compression springs. As a last resort, I guess you could re place the slip clutch.
I called the distributor in Aurora Ohio and he is going to see if he can get me the springs I need. Minos make their own drive shafts and he doesn't have a breakdown of them either so he said he will contact them and find them for me. Really a nice guy to talk to. My local Massey dealer has sold out to a conglomerate , Greene I think is the name of them. They have bought up a bunch of them including the Mahindra dealer at Pomeroy Ohio and Lemmons in Mineral Wells in WV. Good dealers replaced by ----

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