MM self-propelled baler

Don Rudolph

Well-known Member
Our club has a MM self-propelled hay baler. Can anybody give me information on this machine, such as years made, etc.? Thanks!
Called a Uni. Was several other attachments besides baler. Made in early 50's. Was couple generations. Serial numbers would identify.
There will be a 3x5 plate on the baler and one on the Uni Tractor, if you can give us the numbers we can tell the year of each as well as the model
A man that I knew had one in his Moline colection but he passed away several years ago. His family got rid of every thing he had some of it that should not have gone the way it did ending up in a dumpster. I did have some lit on the baler but after moving 4 times in past 6 years do not know where anything is except hidden someplace in a storage unit. He had a row crop R with the factory cab that he kept in basement garage of his house. His brother was also a moline collector but his went to auction and by brother-in-law had the job of handling that. And he was a city boy. The two brothers did not talk for years after the one sliped in and bought a tractor that the other had already delt for but just had not gotten it picked up. I know that baler mounted on the single wheel tractor and think it would also fit the newer 2 rear wheel tractors.
Thanks for the responses. Here are the numbers: Chassis Model S 34 Serial 4220001 Baler F2 Serial 40200390 Engine 206N 4 Serial 18100017 I'm guessing New Idea bought out the patents?
Baler is a 1957, Uni-tractor is a 1960 (engine serial # is 1960 also). The Uni-tractor is the first serial # for 1960.
The first version, the 3 wheel model is covered in tractor data, the second model is a 4 wheel and id not listed but is bigger than the orignal that had a 9 foot combine while the second had a 12 foot combine. Neighbors had both types. You used a hoist to change implements. The final version was the New Idea version and I think built in different sizes and had a self changing setup for the different attachments and did go up to a 6 row picker. Not sure what all attachmrents the different versions had. Dealer that speclised in the Late Uni systems, But they were a Moline dealer.
The tractor is a 1960, the very first brown mule built of that model, the first Uni with an inline ohv 206 engine, the earlier ones had a V4 206 using ZA motor blocks, etc, and the middle class had a V4 206 using 445 blocks, etc. The baler is a 1957, your 206 is also a 1960
Like John said there was 3 different series of MM built Uni-Tractors. The first was One headlight 6V with ZA blocks and heads. The second had 445 blocks and heads 12V two headlights, and Power Steering. The third, painted Dyna Brown, inline 206, 4 wheel, Hydro-static power steering, and hydraulic variable speed control.

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