Model 40 points question


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Hello. I have a new to me model 40 that ran great before I put it away for the winter. I pulled it out this spring and could not get a spark. I got a new battery and am getting over 6 volts to the coil where the + terminal is and also over 6 volts on the - terminal where it’s wired down to the distributor. (Not sure that’s how it’s supposed to be wired or if that is correct but I have not changed anything there and like I said, it ran great a few months ago). The 6.5ish volts at the distributor drop a couple volts when I crank on it and the points don’t seem to be producing a spark. Also nothing shows up when I connect the spark plug wires and add my in line tester. I got a new points/condenser set and nothing changed. I tried not to get a cheapo set either. This is my first time dealing with points and am kind of lost. Not sure if that’s the problem or it’s the coil or maybe even a wiring thing? I took a picture and figured I’d ask. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


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Hello. I have a new to me model 40 that ran great before I put it away for the winter. I pulled it out this spring and could not get a spark. I got a new battery and am getting over 6 volts to the coil where the + terminal is and also over 6 volts on the - terminal where it’s wired down to the distributor. (Not sure that’s how it’s supposed to be wired or if that is correct but I have not changed anything there and like I said, it ran great a few months ago). The 6.5ish volts at the distributor drop a couple volts when I crank on it and the points don’t seem to be producing a spark. Also nothing shows up when I connect the spark plug wires and add my in line tester. I got a new points/condenser set and nothing changed. I tried not to get a cheapo set either. This is my first time dealing with points and am kind of lost. Not sure if that’s the problem or it’s the coil or maybe even a wiring thing? I took a picture and figured I’d ask. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Clean to points with a piece of paper of points file many new point have a coating on them to protect them while on the shelve
After you clean the points ( a dollar bill works well) -
turn the engine over until the points are closed,
position ignition coil wire about ¼" from block,
then turn ignition on,
use a wooden stick to pry points open a little bit.

you should get a spark every time the points are pried open.
If all else fails try a different condenser. Had three new ones the were bad out of the box. and these weren't China specials.
I had a 40 dozer a while back that wouldn't run right... Wires to the coil were hooked up backwards... It was a 6V positive ground system
Well I took some super fine grit sandpaper and lightly rubbed the points and it worked! I guess that’s just a tip that didn’t get passed down to me until now. Thanks a lot for the info guys. I appreciate it.
I have always polished points with a piece of crocus cloth. Then wipe clean with a new or clean paper business card. Points get a coating from sitting, then that engine will not run?

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