More help needed forI Deutz 6207


I need to remove the steering wheel, so I can remove the dash to be able to replace the wiring and tach. I have removed the large nut and have used a puller but no luck. Can someone with knowledge of Deutz tractors explain if there is a special way to remove the steering wheel? I know there are not a large number of these tractors but would appreciate any help. Thanks.
I have never done anything with any Deutz other than driving by them. I would think if it would not come off it might need ssome heat help to get it to move. Soak it down with some fuel oil or other lubricant/penetration concoction then clean it up before you put heat to it. And when puller it tight with a nut on the shaft so you don't swage the shaft wheel hot tighten and then wack with a hammer to see if it moves. IF so probably will come off now.

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