My 8N "restore"

Jack Ray

New User
My "restore" efforts continue; since I had a somewhat plan, I started with what I thought would be a simple start and that was with the steering gear
and steering wheel. Removed the steering column and steering shaft came out with it...then problems...I tried every way I could to get the shaft out
and of course damaged the shaft, plus when I put in the press to push it out sparks went everywhere from the being so rust in the column. Got the shaft out
and where the upper bearing goes in was so rusted it also would not come out, imagine that, it had rusted the inside of the column so mush that
there were holes in the column and new upper bearing (not the bearing that slides down the shaft) would not go in, thinking I could patch the rusted
out holes. what I did and Mother Nature steering shaft and a new "used" column since you can't order or get that column unless
it is thru a salvage yard..which I did. That just didn't happen in a x number of days go by and I am still in free fall. While I was on the steering
box I did remove the pitman arms and steering gears..all good..just cleaned them up..makeing sure I labeled everything left or right side. After getting
the used column in I went into the process of putting those items back together. I had the following items to look forward to working on...the rear alxe
both sides, cleaning and checking the governor, cleaning and overhauling the carburetor, updating the wiring harness and components. The list goes
on and on.
If I can get this picture to upload it will show what I had to start with


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