MY 8N "Restore"

Jack Ray

New User
Well as of today I just have a couple of things left to do. To keep things short and not explaining all the frustration of my failures when it
comes to being confused, screwed up another part..then have to wait on USPS to get a part out here to west Texas..everything seems to
come from MI NC SC or in some cases my favorite site..Amazon (haha). I repair problems with gear shifter..all fixed and back on, new
distributor, alternator and wiring..looks so much better. Buttoned up the rear bearing, races, and anything that went on plus
new brakes. Radiator back on..waiting on a shroud..old was good on one side but bad on other. I took my hood to body shop to see
what they could do..cost was more than a new one, so just waiting on paint to dry. I did do a rebuild on the carb and my grandson is
fixing me a temporary gas tank using an old lawn mower gas tank..just big enough to test everything before attaching hood. It has been
a chore but enjoyable even with some things still not as good as I would like but this thing is for the dirt and hopefully it will last my
kids a while..thanks for YT for all the info that it is available to a very ole timer. Any questions on my pitfalls or problems I encountered
feel free to ask..will add some pics later.
Testing everything includes a 25 minute drive. 21 minutes to reach normal operating temp and then to see if it restarts hot also.
Testing everything includes a 25 minute drive. 21 minutes to reach normal operating temp and then to see if it restarts hot also.

When the coil first started going on my 9N, it only cut out summer time after working the rotary cutter for hours, in hot weather. Let it cool off, started/cut fine again.

Went a couple years like that. Never died winters moving snow. Eventually summers it cut out after less use, then became useless , before I changed the coil.

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