My comments on the new site format

Seems there are some strong opinions being expressed regarding the recent changes here. Mine is much more gentle. I have no problems with it, and in fact I find it much simpler than it was before. I visit frequently, but don't post much. For the most part I post when I have a problem or question I can't (or haven't) found an answer to anywhere else. Once in while I might respond to a post but there are so many "regulars" posting every day they cover most of the bases without my help. I never learned to post photos or other attachments so any changes there don't affect me one way or the other. As for monitoring what's read, what's not read, what's replied to or not, that too is of no interest to me. I'm not a "social media" guy in the strict sense of the term, but I guess this does qualify as that. I come here more to learn than to chat. I still work on tractors so that's what I focus on. (That's still the title of the website isn't it?) I'm not here to exchange recipes, gardening tips, post photos of what my pets did yesterday, or any of that.

I was mainly a "classic view" guy, and mainly went through a regular list of the forums that interest me. Now I have simply bookmarked the New posts page and just start there. I can scan a couple pages of latest posts there, see what threads have been posted on since my last visit, what forums they were posted on, and quickly decide which (if any) are of any interest to me.

Point being, the new format works well for me, and I'm sorry for all those who can't find their way around it, got bent out of shape over it, and all that. I, for one, appreciate what the crew has done (and are still doing) to improve the site.
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Now I have simply bookmarked the New posts page and just start there. I can scan a couple pages of latest posts there, see what threads have been posted on since my last visit, what forums they were posted on, and quickly decide which (if any) are of any interest to me.

Point being, the new format works well for me, and I'm sorry for all those who can't find their way around it, got bent out of shape over it, and all that. I, for one, appreciate what the crew has done (and are still doing) to improve the site.

That is a very efficient way to peruse this site. I do essentially the same thing plus clicking on the notifications bell if it is illuminated.
Seems there are some strong opinions being expressed regarding the recent changes here. Mine is much more gentle. I have no problems with it, and in fact I find it much simpler than it was before. I visit frequently, but don't post much. For the most part I post when I have a problem or question I can't (or haven't) found an answer to anywhere else. Once in while I might respond to a post but there are so many "regulars" posting every day they cover most of the bases without my help. I never learned to post photos or other attachments so any changes there don't affect me one way or the other. As for monitoring what's read, what's not read, what's replied to or not, that too is of no interest to me. I'm not a "social media" guy in the strict sense of the term, but I guess this does qualify as that. I come here more to learn than to chat. I still work on tractors so that's what I focus on. (That's still the title of the website isn't it?) I'm not here to exchange recipes, gardening tips, post photos of what my pets did yesterday, or any of that.

I was mainly a "classic view" guy, and mainly went through a regular list of the forums that interest me. Now I have simply bookmarked the New posts page and just start there. I can scan a couple pages of latest posts there, see what threads have been posted on since my last visit, what forums they were posted on, and quickly decide which (if any) are of any interest to me.

Point being, the new format works well for me, and I'm sorry for all those who can't find their way around it, got bent out of shape over it, and all that. I, for one, appreciate what the crew has done (and are still doing) to improve the site.
That's a good technique, I hadn't thought of that.
I imagine there's quite a few features on this platform that will be discovered and fine-tuned to the user's liking over time. I imagine the diversity of people will equal the diversity of methods used.

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