NH 907 Speedrower


New User
How do I change the rotational speed of one of the drive wheels on my NH 907? Currently the left drive wheel turns a bit faster than the right one when both drive arms are all the way forward..
I would try adjusting the air pressure in the drive tires. Planetary should not be driving different speeds unless one is slipping. Coupons of air pressure makes quite a difference in those flotation tires. Good luck, Mike
Thanks, Mike. I'll double check the air pressure but I don't think that's the problem. With both drive arms all the way forward in the locked position, it just keeps circling to the right.
I will look for my service manual and see what the adjustment procedure for the planetary is, been years since I had to adjust one of mine.
Thanks, Mike. I'll double check the air pressure but I don't think that's the problem. With both drive arms all the way forward in the locked position, it just keeps circling to the right.
Broken or slipped off drive chain, perhaps?
I will try to attach a few pictures from the manual on adjusting the planetary.


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Well that didn’t work quite like I had hoped. From the pictures of the planetary you need to loosen the large jam nut and then tighten the inner nut to obtain 10-12 lbs resistance at the handle. Adjust both sides equally. Small bolt with the lock tab is your reverse band adjustment. Once adjustments are done it says to adjust tire pressure to obtain equal speed. Hopefully this helps, Mike
Thanks MIke, you're a life saver! I will give this a shot, first chance I get, and let you know the results.
Good luck, where are you located? I seem to be the only one with old New Holland swathers in my part of eastern Washington.
Just outside of Sacramento in a small town called Wilton. My daughter lives in Cheney, WA, just outside of Spokane.

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