Nick 831 tach drive


Well-known Member
Wet here this morning so I dug my tach drive puller out. It had a 930 drive on the puller when I
found it. I was wrong on the thread size of the puller. It is really close to 3/4" but it is 20
TPI. The 70, and 30 series diesel tractors have the same drive. 90 series fits, but cable threads
over the drive rather than into it like the 30, and 70 series. When you find one it will be the
gear, and the entire sleeve as 1 piece, because the gear is clinched to the shaft, and the shaft
needs to be removed from the sleeve out the opposite end as the gear is on. The part number is for
the entire assembly. Gear is plastic, and all the rest is steel.
Copy that. Thanks for the info. That will be helpful so I can build a puller. By the way I did finally post the pics of the old 830. Thanks for your help!

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