Oliver 1850 hydraulic

I bought an 1850 this spring hoping to use it to pull a batwing mower. When I hooked it up it lacked enough hydraulics to lift the wings or raise the mower height.
It has power steering which works great even at idle and cold. The 3 point raises, holds, and lowers but I haven't had any weight on it.
I removed the top cover under the seat and replaced orings around the base and pulled the remote valves apart looking for apparent troubles and reassembled. I visually checked the relief screws for damage and put air pressure into the ports and got no bubbles anywhere.
I have changed the fluids and filter, shimmed the pressure relief valve and installed a new crush washer.
The left remote does not work as well as the right and I have it set to use single acting cylinder on each side as that is what the mower needs.
So my tests only include the rear most outlets on each side of the tractor as those are the ones indicated in the manual to use for single acting.
I used a gauge hooked direct with no quick coupler.
I get the following:
rpm psi
Left remote 800 0
1200 0 can feel the hose move
1600 250
2000 400
2400 600

Right remote
800 250
1200 750
1600 1000
2000 1600
2400 1800

Power beyond with a plug installed
800 250
1200 750
1600 1000
2000 1700
2400 2000

Test port on left side as shown in manual reads zero at all rpm

Questions are what else can I check before removing the whole she bang looking for issues?
Is it normal for the psi to climb so slow as the rpm is increased?
Or is it a sign of the pump growing weak.....


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