Oliver 550 fuel tank


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In need of a fuel tank for an oliver 550 gas but can only find one that's for the diesel 550. Would this still fit?
In need of a fuel tank for an oliver 550 gas but can only find one that's for the diesel 550. Would this still fit?
Yes. The only difference is the diesel tank has a brass fitting on the front for the fuel return line. The gas tank has a pipe plug in the same place. Also, the diesel tank will probably be a lot cleaner inside. HTH, Kent Gordon
Kent, I looked on agcopartsbooks and they only showed a diesel tank for the 550s, but there was a serial number split. I was surprised by the split. Is there really any difference that you know of? I didn't want to answer after I saw that.
Kent, I looked on agcopartsbooks and they only showed a diesel tank for the 550s, but there was a serial number split. I was surprised by the split. Is there really any difference that you know of? I didn't want to answer after I saw that.
Randy, The paper parts book has separate pages for the fuel tanks, gas & diesel, because it also shows all the fuel lines, filters, etc, but it's the same part # for the tank. HTH, Kent
Randy, The paper parts book has separate pages for the fuel tanks, gas & diesel, because it also shows all the fuel lines, filters, etc, but it's the same part # for the tank. HTH, Kent
OK, thanks Kent. Online, it just shows diesel twice and has the serial split. I don't know why they don't show a gas, unless it was so far away on the list that I just overlooked it.

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