Oliver 550 Radiator Cap

I have owned what I believe is a 1960 Oliver 550 Industrial (2-44) for about 40 years. Serial # 88791-583. It has a permanent Sherman backhoe attached. Through my negligence of not checking the antifreeze level, the radiator got too hot and it's at the radiator shop being fixed right now. I replaced the original radiator cap years ago and was more concerned about size than pressure relief. It is a 7-pound cap. The Oliver Tractor Shop Manual says under "Testing Pressure Cap"; "Oliver pressure cooling systems operate at 4 pounds pressure." My parts catalog shows part # 101520-A CAP-Alternate 155 239-A. When I called Yesterday's Tractors and gave the parts guy my serial number only, he looked it up and said it shows a 7 pound cap. I don't want to stress my radiator if it's not designed to run at 7psi. Does anyone have an idea of what to do? Jim.
Yes, call Korves Oliver 618-939-6681

They should set you up right. They're good folks.

Edit: Did you overheat? You have headgasket issues?
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I didn't overheat to the point that the engine ran poorly. I changed the sending unit on the water temperature a while back and I don't trust my readings. I'll know more when I get my radiator back from the shop and put it in and see how my temperature gauge acts. Thank you

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