Oliver 550 Tach Drive

decided it was time to fix the tach on my 1964 Oliver 550 Special. I can make the tach move by attaching a drill to the tach cable. So I took the tach drive off. I can’t turn the gear by hand that connects to the engine. Should I be able too? Also the gear seem to have a chip out of two sprockets. I found a tach drive on the internet that is for the 55 and 550 but the picture is hard to see and it almost looks like it also has a chip out of a couple sprocket. Should it be tat way?
Tach drives off of the camshaft, you can't turn it unless you remove the drive. The teeth missing is a problem. Have to look, I may have one, I have to check.
I removed the drive to check the gear. I could not turn it with my hand out of the tractor. Two of the teeth were damaged. About 1/8 to 1/4 inch of the two teeth was damaged at the far end. I was hoping that the gear could be replace but it does not seem to be removable. I saw that the international ones must be removable because you can buy the gear from places like Steiner but not the Oliver 550 one.
I found my old one,gear has some teeth broken off, I can spin it by hand. I thought parts were available but could be wrong.
Mine only has two teeth broken but in the same manner but removed I can not sling it by hand. I did find one company that has one for $200. If not being able to spin it by hand is a problem than I guess I need to buy a new one.
Since yours is broken, just for curiousity, take the frost plug out and get it apart and see why you can't turn it. Look down it the hole and turn the motor over by hand and make sure the gear on the camshaft is good.
Just looked on Steiners and they have a tach drive for $140. My bad, wrong piece, this is the vertical shaft

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