Oliver 88 135gk

Anyone put a 135gk in a 88 Oliver? Looking for my next project and this seems to be the way for “easy” big cubic inches. I know the engines and parts are hard to find so I kind of wanted to get an idea of what it takes to make it fit before I start my search for parts
Anyone put a 135gk in a 88 Oliver? Looking for my next project and this seems to be the way for “easy” big cubic inches. I know the engines and parts are hard to find so I kind of wanted to get an idea of what it takes to make it fit before I start my search for parts
My son is going to put a 426 Waukesha in his 77. He took a 310 Diesel out. There are tube frames out there. With a thin piece of sheet metal on the outside. With a steel frame you can weld your motor mounts where you want to. And you save hundreds of pounds.
How is your allis running Vic? I saw a pic on Facebook of your 435 pulling a couple weeks ago


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