Oliver brake discs?


Well-known Member
My mom passed a few weeks ago and we are cleaning out her house. These two discs were up in the attic. I don't know the story behind them or how long they've been up there. My brother thought they were brake discs to an Oliver tractor, although he is not sure. What do you guys think? There are two of them with the same part number although the section with the female splines are not identical to each other, as in one disc has a longer spleen area on one side compared to the other. Sorry that I didn't get a diameter measurement, but we will be there again today if a measurement is needed.


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Same, PTO clutch to me as well. What tractors or implements were on the farm?
The first diesel tractors that were on the farm were all Oliver tractors. Between my dad and my brother, there must have been 12-15 of them. My dad and brother also owned White tractors, but that quickly soured when the local White dealership did a major rear end repair on a large White tractor in the autumn of the year and it tore itself up next Spring after about 10 hours of use just driving around without it ever being used for heavy field work. He quickly switched to John Deere and hasn’t looked back. I’m the Oliver collector in the family now and he now collects grain with a combine. 😎
Actually, he does have one Oliver left that sits in a hedge row that has the fuel tank tire fenders. He wont sell me saying he will someday restore it. But I know he won’t. 🤷‍♂️

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