One wire alternator

I kind of figured that might be the case, Jim, since it already had an alternator. Good point for him to track it all down to clean up a wiring mess if that's his situation.
Some indicator lights are grounded while others are Keyed 12+volts. if it has 2 leads it can be used easily if one lead not as easu to make a series circuit with it. Jim
Some indicator lights are grounded while others are Keyed 12+volts. if it has 2 leads it can be used easily if one lead not as easu to make a series circuit with it. Jim
JD used two wires on those indicator lights. If it is still the original, it has two wires, it will work. Been there, done that, I have JDs that were Motorola and are Delco now, with the original indicator lights.
I have never measured ANY that were ever anywhere that high! I have measured 1.8 ma one wire. That is 2.4 times more than Std 3wire Delco 0.75 ma.
0.75 ma will drain a 60 A-hr battery dead in 9 years, so the one wire at 1.8 ma should kill it in 3.75 years. I don’t see a problem here.
I have seen them do that. Jim
Mr. Nicholson, I know this is a month old post, but I have been researching one-wire 10SI VRs and it makes me question the heavy 50 mA drain that you quoted. If it was the typical one-wire, there is zero battery connection to its 5 terminals (3 bolted plus the 2 spade connections), so I see no way such VR could ever have a parasitic drain. If a drain is measured on such alternator, I suggest there are only 3 possibilities, leakage thru faulty noise suppression capacitor, reverse leakage of rectifier bridge diodes, bad insulation, but not the VR. What say you?
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