OT...BAD DAY?!! Hope no one else has a Christmas like this!!


Merry Christmas!! Been here a looong time. Read more than I write! So, last Fri. the pain in my right chest got bad enough, the called our Doc. We thought heart, so he said, go to the hospitial. We did, and they did all kinds of tests, and x-rays, cat scan. Found a 2'' spot on my left lung and some on the liver!! Huh? Never smoked in my life...72 yrs old...did bodywork and farmed for a LOT of yrs. Always had grt insurance, went for ck up's, etc. I am going back next Mon ( have to be off aspirin for a week) so they can do a bioposy, to see what kind of cancer it is. Our anniversary was Dec. 23 also! (34yrs) They stick a LARGE needle in the chest for a sample! Sounds like a LOT of fun!! We haven't told the rest of family yet, didn't want to spoil their Christmas! Thanks guys Bobmn
Bummer, but Congrats on your Anniversary. Try to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

You'll definitely be in my prayers tonight, I hope everything turns out OK .

Bobmn, what ever it is, I hope it is nothing searious. Now days the doctors can do a lot more than they did a few years back.I've had better, myself. My daughter went to the local hospital clinic to have the staples removed from the repair where her ankle bone came through the skin. It was not healing, and possible infection was starting to set in. They wanted her to go to the main hospital as soon as she could. She can't drive, and her husband was out with their kids. So I drove her to the hospital about 30 mi away. The are going to operate tonight, and open the infected area, and let it heal fron the bottom up. She will be in the hospital a couple days. Stan
Could be good news my brother had three small spots on his lungs and recieved $400,000 from the asbestos people. They fixed the spots and he blowed all the money on guns and dog shows. But like he said it was fun if you have to make worth while. Oh and please check into that asbestos thing your family could use the money even if cant.
Walt Davies
Sorta supports what my father used to say that the Gov't could take everyone's money and divide it up equally and in 5 years everyone would have about the same amount as before they divided it up.

Went through the same tests earlier this month. Lump under my left jaw and 2 CM spot on my right lung. Biopsies showed both to be benign and just irritated over active lymph glands. Great early Christmas present for me.


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