OT- Followup to Lousy car dealers

Bob - MI

Well-known Member
Sorry for the late post Colin.

You were right, this was a real bad accident with the pickup hitting the bike and cars at 50mph. Ohio does not have a helmet law and the dad was severely injured but lived. His 6-year old son on the back had a helmet on but was thrown about 100 feet and is now paralyzed. Others in cars were hurt as well.

We thank God that our Becky was so fortunate. Her position in line and her quick thinking to step on the gas to make a right turn after she heard the start of the crash gave her some momentum before impact and caused the impact to be off-center of the car. This spun her a bit but reduced the force and injury to her neck. She's sore but fine.

Interesting footnote: Nationwide Insurance (pickup driver's carrier) defied by specific direction not to touch MY car until we settled the payout and yesterday they sent a wrecker and took the car from the dealership where it was at. My insurance company is now trying to get it back and as of last night they didn't have it yet. Turns out that Nationwide had no right and breached protocol by contacting me

I am considering filing an auto theft charge with the Columbus PD.

What arrogance!
be very carefull that is a very shady company! my experience with them was over a kenworth truck that was mine, the idiot that hit me was a kid with no insurance, he had relitivly minor injuries but the wreck broke my truck in half, totaling it, nationwide had my insurance with a uninsured rider on the policy, i contacted them explaining the curcimstances and also that this truck was my way of making a living and i needed a settlement quickly so i could get a replacement tractor and get back to work, nobody came.... 4 months i finaly got hold of a 'claims adjustor' a mexican who spoke english the same as a 2 year old, he asked if i had any other vehicle, i told him i had two 1 ton pickups, i finaly got enough out of him to understand he wanted me to load the wreck on a trailer and use one of the pickups to bring it to el paso tx so he could see it, i asked him if he knew just what kind of truck we were working on here, he said he thought it was probably some kind of 1/2 ton pickup truck , i told him it was a semi tractor, and i could not, and would not haul that thing behind my pickup all the way to el paso, and for him to get his rear up here as by this time im out many thousands of bucks in lost work, it took almost a year and a half to get the money and then it was about 60 percent of the value of the truck and no compensation for lost wages, good luck
as a foot note i got back to work only due to the generosity of a wealthy friend of mine who was kind enough to make me a loan so i could go get a truck to work with, not many friends will loan ya that kind of money on your word that you'll repay him! and yes, i repayed him every penny,, plus 8% interest on his money,
Indeed you were lucky to have someone help you out.

I feel very fortunate to have Auto Owners right now. They have been great to deal with and are actually giving me more for the car than I thought I would get. They gave me the settlement offer yesterday and the paperwork was in the mailbox today.

I hate insurance companies! Al Capone started the business, they have now just refined the marketing technique.
I feel for you. My new durango got hit three times in one year by three different un-insurred motorist. Now I have an 18 thousand mile 2005 durango that I can't sell to anyone. State Farm didn't pay me for the depreciation factor of my vehicle. I never got my three $500.00 deductibles back either. F- for representation. Folks that work and own anything don't win anymore. That six year old kid didn't win either. It hits me hard when I hear about some poor kid like this.

A few years ago, my son's car was hit by a person insured by the gecko folks. They were totally unresponsive for over three months, so he finally sued'em - collected over $30K, when he probably would've settled in the first place for $5K. It took over 2 years to get the settlement, but I guess it was worth it. I think the only way you can get fair treatment from any of them is to take'em to court.
Bob - I'm very glad to hear about your daughter. It sounds like some quick thinking saved her a lot of unpleasantness. That's terribly sad about the father and son, though.

Best of luck solving the insurance mess, and I hope Becky's injuries are nothing more than sore muscles. - and that they go away quickly.

Sorry about the late reply. Sometimes I just read things and let them go, but this one got me. I've had my share of dealing with insurance agencys in the past and that ranges from the "Name Brands" to the discounts.

I've now been with USAA for the last 10 years. I may be able to find a cheaper one but I won't change for anything. The three times I needed them, they were right there, paid fast, followed up, and.... didn't even raise my rates because the incident wasn't my fault.

No, I don't work for them. I just know a really good deal, for service at least, when I see one. They are open to all now and not just military. I now do my banking with em even though you haveto mail in a check if you can't direct deposit, and they reimburse up to 20 a month in ATM fees from ANY Atm machine.

Sometimes just having the feeling someone is on your side in a bad situation goes a long way in making it more tolerable.

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