
I will try again.
<video width=90% src=https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cvvideos/cvvideo160273.mov controls>http://forums.yesterdaystractors.com/cvvideos/cvvideo160273.mov</video>

<video width=90% src=https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cvvideos/cvvideo160274.mov controls>http://forums.yesterdaystractors.com/cvvideos/cvvideo160274.mov</video>
Those are some sharp classic looking tractors and equipment you have there. Looks like you have taken care of them though out the years.
Ez I am sure you view these you can see that you actually posted short video clips to this post. I know iPhones have a ..Live.. photo feature, this may be what you posted. Not sure if the ..Live.. photos have audio like your clips. Nice machines.

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