Power steering

I’m looking at a little 430 tractor in the weeds and it has a decal power steering on it. What would be an easy way to know if it has it or not. Do they have belt driven pump or something else easy to see to know. Hope to get it out for better viewing. Thanks
A power steering pump would be located on the right side (as you sit on the tractor) tucked up under the hood between the engine and the radiator. It runs off the same belt tied into the generator and fan. Most of the other pieces -- flow divider valve, rack and pinion system, etc. -- are hidden under the sheet metal.

You can see the pump on this tractor (that is a future restoration project). There were two styles of power steering pumps; the one on this tractor is the later style. The earlier style had a fluid reservoir mounted on top of the pump.

yes belt driven pump. ours had the big fluid reservoir above the pump located same place as the pic. leaked like a seive despite several repair attempts.
I'm working on the same model but some of it was disconnected. Can you show where the 2 hoses that wrap around the radiator attach? Also I'm missing the pump. How do the hoses connect?
The steering pedestal on power steering equipped tractors had a rack and pinion setup driven by hydraulics incorporated into it. Two pressure lines run from the piston unit on the pedestal up to a flow divider valve. The flow divider is mounted as part of the horizontal steering shaft between the steering wheel and steering box on top of the pedestal -- brackets on the front of the engine block hold the flow divider in place more or less above the valve cover of the engine. Two more lines, one pressurized and one not, run from the flow divider valve down to the power steering pump.

I'll have to sort thru some of my old pictures to find a good visual reference for you. Do not have any tractors with the hoods off at the moment.
I'm working on the same model but some of it was disconnected. Can you show where the 2 hoses that wrap around the radiator attach? Also I'm missing the pump. How do the hoses connect?
Hello cyama, welcome to YT! In addition to what Dave has given you here is something that will probably be quite useful to you, it is a link to the JD online parts catalog for your tractor. JD 420/430 parts catalog Viewing the correct diagrams for your tractor depends on the serial number of your tractor. In the “Non Sectionalized catalog” Each page title has a number at the end preceded by a hyphen. When you get down to page 12 (where it looks like they have a naming error) the catalog alternates between a diagram page followed by the associated PN and descriptions for the previous diagram. The power steering hoses and associated parts start at page 153. The arrows in the rectangles on the pages allow you to “page” up or down.
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Thanks for the information! I was able to have my parts guy at the dealership help me alot. he sent me diagrams of the breakdown. my s/n is 140199 so as you mentioned there was a change. Nonetheless, I see 2 hoses going to the rack and pinion and 2 long hoses that are capped. Did this system connect to the hydraulic system or did they all have their own pumps? I don't see a belt driven pump like on other pics.
Your two capped lines may have been fitted to an aftermarket pump of sorts.
The first year that power steering was offered (1957 on "U" an "I" tractors only) it did run off the hydraulic system, but both systems suffered when used at the same time. In 1958 a dedicated power steering pump was added -- which is what would have been on your tractor. You should have the early style of pump and it would have mounted in the upside down U part of your radiator bracket (just above the generator).

It has been awhile, but I had a number of extra pumps in years past. I can look to see what I have left, but I know I would not have the Deere pulley (have had to use an auto/car pulley from time to time).

Your front pedestal looks a bit unusual to me too. Is/was something welded or broken on the front if it between the piston and vertical portion?

PS -- Liking the old pickup in the background. (y)
Hi Dave,
Thank you for your input here. I will check further into the pedestal. If you have a spare pump that would be helpful! Thanks for noticing the old pickup. '52 Dodge.

Where is the ignition coil supposed to mount on my 58 420w with power steering? My tractor (s/n: 132XXX) has the coil mounted to the valve cover (same as in your pictures). However, if I’m reading the parts manual correctly it should have valve cover AT10423 which does not have the coil mounting brackets on it. I like the coil being mounted to the valve cover, but want the tractor to be 100% correct even more. Any thoughts?

Where is the ignition coil supposed to mount on my 58 420w with power steering? My tractor (s/n: 132XXX) has the coil mounted to the valve cover (same as in your pictures). However, if I’m reading the parts manual correctly it should have valve cover AT10423 which does not have the coil mounting brackets on it. I like the coil being mounted to the valve cover, but want the tractor to be 100% correct even more. Any thoughts?

If I remember correctly the coil on earlier 420s mounted on the radiator support -- near the right headlight bracket. The power steering pump is mounted in that same spot so it may have made sense that the coil was moved on your tractor.

Does the breather pipe allow the breather to "poke up" from under the hood? Valve covers on 420s had a longer breather pipe to allow for that -- 430 tractors had the breather tucked under the hood so the pipe on the valve cover was shorter.

If you have the longer breather pipe and power steering your valve cover may be correct. . .

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