pressure build up


New User
hello,, so this is my first post. question is, 49 Massey Ferguson,65,w/g176 gas engine. I just replaced the head on it adjusted the valves,warm to .16 intake and 18 exhaust. I started it to warm it up to adjust the valves, after about 5 minutes I noticed oil dripping from the dip tube. I shut it down, and pulled the dipstick out, a little oil. but a big discharge of air. I done a compression test dry, got 155,150,150,150,wet test157,153,155,can Anyone tell me what might cause the pressure build up
Hello dogman, welcome to YT! Do you have mud dauber wasps in your area? If so check the engine breather pipe tube to see if one made a nest in there plugging it. You can use the edit feature at the bottom to back out the text of your duplicate post leaving nothing but “oops duplicate post” in the title of it. If you post from a phone the 3 dots to the right of “Report” at the bottom left will get you access to the “Edit” feature.
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😠😡🤬 Mud daubers!!!! Gawd my brother hated them. Long awaited vacation and weeks of prep for a week camping. 95*f day,got rv set up and turned ac on,,,,,,,,,hummmmm sound but no air blowing. Dropped trailer at dealer on the way home and got a call next day saying dauber nest between shroud and fan blade had motor stalled. 1950 Ford Shoebox w/new paint,seat covers and rebuilt engine,cranked her up and started down road not running real well so BLOW THE SOOT OUT. All h*** breaks loose and started running worse than before. After heads off and new rings mechanic says mouse chewed through aftermarket K&N dry air filter,made a nest then daubers went through and built nests in carburator. All that was sucked into engine while trying to blow soot out. Classic car mechanic suggested putting oil bath back on and oil will keep vermin out.
WHAT? "I threw the nasty ol oil bath away". Long hunt and $$ later found old beat up oil bath and spent $ having it refurbished. Every time the poor guy turned around mud daubers had moved into something. Not long before he passed he called one night during a power outage to see if I wanted to go to VFW and kill time til electric comes on. One of the guys at post said "wonder if a twister took some lines down or just a tree they can fix pretty quick". I said " Mud daubers shut the power plant down". Long silence and brother said "dam you that's not funny".
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Hello dogman, welcome to YT! Do you have mud dauber wasps in your area? If so check the engine breather pipe tube to see if one made a nest in there plugging it. You can use the edit feature at the bottom to back out the text of your duplicate post leaving nothing but “oops duplicate post” in the title of it. If you post from a phone the 3 dots to the right of “Report” at the bottom left will get you access to the “Edit” feature.oo
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oops I think I erased the wrong one. Thanks for the idea, while I was looking around what I do r, I pulled the breather tube off, and to my fault I had put a homemade gasket on it and it couldn't breath, I'm putting it together now,I'll let you know. thanks for your help.
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oops I think I erased the wrong one. Thanks for the idea, while I was looking around what I do r, I pulled the breather tube off, and to my fault I had put a homemade gasket on it and it couldn't breath, I'm putting it together now,I'll let you know. thanks for your help.
That would definitely do it. Don’t worry about that other post. Probably to confusing for someone new. I will add this if you post here again when you click “New Thread” leave the default tab chosen that says “Discussions” the “Poll and Question” tabs are for more advanced posting purposes and add unnecessary stuff to your post.
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That would definitely do it. Don’t worry about that other post. Probably to confusing for someone new. I will add this if you post here again when you click “New Thread” leave the default tab chosen that says “Discussions” the “Poll and Question” tabs are for more advanced posting purposes and add unnecessary stuff to your post.
ok thanks for the support,yep the gasket had the breather tube totally shut off,I fixed the gasket run it no pressure. thanks.
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