Profile Posts are NOT private


Staff member
Washington State
To those who have been using profile posts: Profile posts are a public forum that applies just to you. When you post something as a profile post, it is viewable by anyone who comes to the site, whether they are logged in or not. Search engines also pick up Profile Posts.

You can think of a Profile post as your own forum to use as you please, but it is still just a forum which all can see.

To communicate with another member of the community without it being displayed publicly, you must use "Conversations".
Just a thought.

A profile post (to me) should be something that only the person logged in under a user name can access.
I want a place to say more about me or my experience in fixing old tractors. The profile would be a place for me to do this.
Other users should have no access to change my profile only the option to read it.

While I don’t like private conversation because if you got a question post it so we can all learn from it. Private conversation only leads to one member talking to another member about a third member behind their back.
But if you want to allow that a contract me section would be more appropriate.

Locking the profile section to access by only the logged in member may solve this problem.

Or maybe this profile topic is way over my head and I am missing what you guys are really talking about.
Just a thought.

A profile post (to me) should be something that only the person logged in under a user name can access.
I want a place to say more about me or my experience in fixing old tractors. The profile would be a place for me to do this.
Other users should have no access to change my profile only the option to read it.

While I don’t like private conversation because if you got a question post it so we can all learn from it. Private conversation only leads to one member talking to another member about a third member behind their back.
But if you want to allow that a contract me section would be more appropriate.

Locking the profile section to access by only the logged in member may solve this problem.

Or maybe this profile topic is way over my head and I am missing what you guys are really talking about.

just what you want exists already, I think.

check out this thread about it.....

PSA: About Profile Posts
Sounds like that is correct. If nobody can type into your profile posts, then you can use it to talk about your farm or tractors without it having to be a moderated and watched mess. DoubleO7, have you tested that the nobody setting still lets people read your profile posts but not reply to them?
I agree.
I have no doubt that the programmers of this forum package was done by facebook addicts.

Not the good people messaging it into something better here.
I just looked at your profile posts and there is no box at the bottom where I could type a reply, as there is when I look at some of the other members profile posts. The standard icon for Like and the emojis is there.
I just looked at your profile posts and there is no box at the bottom where I could type a reply, as there is when I look at some of the other members profile posts. The standard icon for Like and the emojis is there.

Per the screen shot in the linked thread in post #3 here.......
I have chosen "Nobody"
Which forces everyone to contact me via "Conversations" .
Which are private.
Per the screen shot in the linked thread in post #3 here.......
I have chosen "Nobody"
Which forces everyone to contact me via "Conversations" .
Which are private.
Right, I guess my reply actually was answering Chris's question of people being able to read your profile posts, but not able to reply to them.

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