Pto shaft wont spin when connected


New User
i have an oliver 550 and the pto will spin fine when not connected to anything. But qhen i hook it up to a bush hog/ finish mower, it will not spin.
My first guess is the pto clutch. There is a small cover under belly to access it. It should make a snap and feel resistance when putting in.
No i dont feel amy sort of snap
Do as Jocco said then. Get underneath with a 7/16 wrench and take that little cover off. Look up in there with a light while you have somebody move the lever. You'll see the spider moving forward and back. There's a collar that you turn to tighten it. There's a spring loaded pin that you have to push in before you can turn the collar. Don't tighten it too far or it'll be too tight to go over canter and it won't lock in. There's a chance that the clutch discs are shot, but try tightening it before you assume that they're bad.
So i got down under there, it looks like on of the previous owners has cut the clutch fork for some reason.
I would suggest parts and repair manuals. You will need to source parts. My thoughts are to do a complete overhaul while in there. As RR said the 550 splits top to bottom unlike a traditional clutch split. You can also do the main clutch and pressure plate too. Last there are seals in the pto transmission set up.
pto adjustment.jpg

I see similarities in your tractor to my 1850, although I know it's a different animal. The notched ring that has an arrow pointing to it, is the adjustment for the "snap over" everybody talks about. It's accessed, on my tractor, from a plug at the rear of the PTO housing.

I'm sure this doesn't really 100% relate to your machine, but it gives you some idea how it all works. Good luck with it........doesn't sound pleasant.

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