Question on Ford/Dearborn Double acting front plow blade. Does it float?


Thinking of going to look at one with the factory snow plow/ dozer blades. I already have a ford 4k that has a traditional chain lift snowplow that floats along the ground as you plow.

Question is: Does the double acting cylinder have a float setting where it rises and falls along the ground like a chain snow plow or does the blade stay rigid in the position you set it in as you plow? Thank you!
Ditto double acting cylinder can only float if control valve has a float position & that control valve position is utilized during blade operation. Does blade have gauge shoes? If no gauge shoes or wheels blade will probably penetrate soil too deeply when control lever is placed in float position. Blade could have option with linkage that allowed blade to raise but not lower below set height while cylinder rod remains in set position.
Ditto double acting cylinder can only float if control valve has a float position & that control valve position is utilized during blade operation. Does blade have gauge shoes? If no gauge shoes or wheels blade will probably penetrate soil too deeply when control lever is placed in float position. Blade could have option with linkage that allowed blade to raise but not lower below set height while cylinder rod remains in set position.

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