Red inner tubes

I am looking for the person that collects red inner tubes. I have one and was wondering if they would be interested in it. I am looking for a phone number or email. Aaron 605 695 2727.

Not to take this off the main topic, but the red inner tubes were easier on the skin at the lake. They seemed smoother, slicker, and probably more rare.

HI, I was wondering if anyone has any red inner tubes? I was involved in a bad car wreck and damaged both knees and both of my shoulders. I am looking for a couple of red inner tubes for aquatic therapy. I need them for support in the water. They will only let me use red tubes in the pool because they don't leave black marks on the pool walls like shoe marks on the floor. The black tubes will. If the tubes need a litttle repair, I have a friend who can help me with that.
If anyone could please help me out, I would be immensely greatful!
Thank you so much,
Earl Godleske, N-2265 State Hwy 17, Merrill, Wisconsin 54452
[email protected] 1-715-539-3458 between 8am.and 1p.m.
I wonder if they still make new red inner tubes? It sure would be nice to find new> Anyone have any ideas where I can find sucha thing, or am I just hopefully wishing?

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