Roller Balers ,,..When is enuf ?, ENOUGH !

I have a OMC 595 with a working guage pressure indicator ,,. When baling i have been getting nice bales that are well rounded ,,. , I have been running them up to the point of when i hear the 1070 start to strain alittle ,,... At that point the pointer on the guage is pointing at about 3000lbs whish is at about 3 o cloxk ,,. I hope that is reasonable for this machine ,, BUT i Wonder if I might be overpacking ,,. I dont want to hurt this baler , It is the quietist baler I ever ran .
Yeah ,,,.. Sure wish i had one for either this baler or the Deutz -Allis that is very similar .Do You know where i can find a good quality reprint or othrwise manual ? .the last manual i bought for my 1070 was a reprint ,,. very poor dark pictures , small print ,,.. nearly useless ,
On my BR 750 New Holland the gauge says 1500#. Was set there when I bought it and makes a fine bale for my uses. Sell to horse people and seem to be able to handle that size bale.
I have a OMC 595 with a working guage pressure indicator ,,. When baling i have been getting nice bales that are well rounded ,,. , I have been running them up to the point of when i hear the 1070 start to strain alittle ,,... At that point the pointer on the guage is pointing at about 3000lbs whish is at about 3 o cloxk ,,. I hope that is reasonable for this machine ,, BUT i Wonder if I might be overpacking ,,. I dont want to hurt this baler , It is the quietist baler I ever ran .
That’s probably about the right density. If that baler is what I think it is it was built under license from Claas. If it’s like my Claas there’s a pressure relief valve built into the hydraulic system to prevent the damage you’re worried about. I bale with a Allis Chalmers 7040 on my Claas 66 and it can make the tractor grunt when the bale is ready. I can’t comment on a exact pressure for you though because the gauge on the Claas is green and red zones no numbers.
I have a OMC 595 with a working guage pressure indicator ,,. When baling i have been getting nice bales that are well rounded ,,. , I have been running them up to the point of when i hear the 1070 start to strain alittle ,,... At that point the pointer on the guage is pointing at about 3000lbs whish is at about 3 o cloxk ,,. I hope that is reasonable for this machine ,, BUT i Wonder if I might be overpacking ,,. I dont want to hurt this baler , It is the quietist baler I ever ran .
That might be a bit high. What I would do is make a few at 2000lbs and mark them. Make a few at 2500 and mark them. See what they look like after a week. Keep baking the rest at 3000 if you like for now and you will see what bale sags too much and is too soft. My dad had a soft core and always went till the rpm on 1070 dropped then tied. Can’t remember how far it dropped as I only made a few bales ever for him. He blew out the sides of 2 balers and I believe it was only cause he made that tractor grunt a bit too much. His bsles were 1400+ lbs. he believed in heavy bales. Others with same baler had no issues but they had less hp tractor.
I have a OMC 595 with a working guage pressure indicator ,,. When baling i have been getting nice bales that are well rounded ,,. , I have been running them up to the point of when i hear the 1070 start to strain alittle ,,... At that point the pointer on the guage is pointing at about 3000lbs whish is at about 3 o cloxk ,,. I hope that is reasonable for this machine ,, BUT i Wonder if I might be overpacking ,,. I dont want to hurt this baler , It is the quietist baler I ever ran .
What does your gauge read when it is empty? I have a Gehl 1310, which is a rebranded Welger, I can use the tractor hydraulics to show over 2000 psi of pressure on the gauge when it is empty. So, if I then go to 3000 psi on the gauge, I'm only putting 1000 psi of pressure making a tight bale. However, if the gauge reads say 500 psi and I go to 3000 then I'm putting 2500 psi of pressure into the bale. That makes a difference in what the bale looks like.

If your 1070 is straining, you've got a very tight bale, and I would be worried about hurting the baler too. My 1030 does not strain at all with a bale at 3000 psi or 3500 psi on my Gehl. I've never gone over 3500 psi with one. At 3500 I can hear the chains on the baler making some noise.

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