RTU decal placement


I have a 1945 RTU that is just about ready for the decals. The only decals on the tractor were on the gas tank. The decal on the right side were centered on the tank. The decal on the left side was moved ahead. I think it was because of the steering wheel shaft. I noticed looking for decals that they have a lot more decals than just the ones on the gas tank. Maybe the earlier models just had the Minneapolis Moline logo on the tanks. Does anybody know where the proper placement for the decals on the RTU is? Also, where is a good place to get the correct decals?
I have a 1945 RTU that is just about ready for the decals. The only decals on the tractor were on the gas tank. The decal on the right side were centered on the tank. The decal on the left side was moved ahead. I think it was because of the steering wheel shaft. I noticed looking for decals that they have a lot more decals than just the ones on the gas tank. Maybe the earlier models just had the Minneapolis Moline logo on the tanks. Does anybody know where the proper placement for the decals on the RTU is? Also, where is a good place to get the correct decals?
Morh's in Iowa, you can order just the decals you need and don't need to buy a bunch you don't, 712 677 2491 They publish the MM Corresponder magazine and have the decal ad in every issue
This was put out, I believe, by the MM Corresponder a number of years ago.

MM decals-r-z.jpg
I have a 1945 RTU that is just about ready for the decals. The only decals on the tractor were on the gas tank. The decal on the right side were centered on the tank. The decal on the left side was moved ahead. I think it was because of the steering wheel shaft. I noticed looking for decals that they have a lot more decals than just the ones on the gas tank. Maybe the earlier models just had the Minneapolis Moline logo on the tanks. Does anybody know where the proper placement for the decals on the RTU is? Also, where is a good place to get the correct decals?
The decal kits sold fit all the years BUT.... not all the decals go on the tractor. As Rich's Toys posted, that is correct. The early R's only had the MM decal on the fuel tank on each side, nothing else.

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