Rusty Acres


Just got a package with a tractor part in it. Have bought anything from manifolds to engine parts and trasmission parts to misc Always very happy and Don L is as honest as they come. Have bought from him for decades.I highly recommended this seller
I ordered several items from him many years ago (all one order) I was getting ready to pay, (credit card) and he told me that he will send parts along with an invoice. Look them over and if not happy with any of them, send back along with payment for parts I kept. Can't beat a deal like that. Everything he sent was exactly as described, and I sent a check for complete order. Another time, I ordered a couple of parts from him by email. didn't get much in the way of a reply, but a couple days later, got one of the parts in the mail, next day got the second one and the third day was an invoice for the parts. Can't complain one bit about him. I always keep him in mind when ordering.

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
