Sabotaged 8N


I always run my 8N with the fuel valve full open. About 2 weeks ago, my 8N started right up as usual, but shortly stalled and refused to start. After multiple attempts to start, the starter motor was acting strange. It was then I noticed two liquid phases in the sediment bowl. I drained the gas from the tank and carburetor and when I removed the sediment bowl from the tank the bulk of the water came out. It was at least a quart. With a new starter and fresh nonethanol gas it starts immediately, BUT is acting strange. Under load, the engine almost dies, Then the governor kicks in and saves it. I cleaned the screen at the carb inlet and there is good flow out of the carb drain. Would sugar in the gas cause such a problem? The tractor responded perfectly to loads in the past, so what has changed? I guess I now have to disassemble the carburetor and see what's in it.
I never open my fuel valve all the way. Two trun and that is it. There is a lot of crud in the bottom of these old tanks. Unless of course, you have a new tank.
In the 30 years of owning this tractor I have always opened the valve all the way and never had a problem. The tractor ran fine a couple of weeks before this problem occurred. I really think someone added over a quart of water to the tank.
Make anyone mad? I never open the valve all of the way as that's the reserve, always good to have that just in case. If the tractor wasn't left outside with the cap off in the rain it would be hard to get water in the gas unless it was poured in. Carburetor would be the next place to go.
How do you get gas to your 8N? Cans, bulk tank on site? Do you leave it where anyone can get to it? Who would have access to it to sabotage it? I would lean towards water in the gas you got or your supply/cans, rain and condensation, if no one has bothered the tractor in the last 30 years prior to this.

You might want to invest in a game camera if the tractor is left off by itself and you think someone is messing with it.
How do you get gas to your 8N? Cans, bulk tank on site? Do you leave it where anyone can get to it? Who would have access to it to sabotage it? I would lean towards water in the gas you got or your supply/cans, rain and condensation, if no one has bothered the tractor in the last 30 years prior to this.

You might want to invest in a game camera if the tractor is left off by itself and you think someone is messing with it.
It hadn't rained here in weeks and the gas was added to the tractor the same day it was purchased. It was also added to an antique car stored in the garage. No problems with the car in the garage. The tractor is stored outside and I would like to install a game camera, but I know very little about them. Any advice on a camera would be appreciated. Thank you.
No, the last load was also added to an antique car in the garage and no problems there.
Did you get some gas from a retail gas station in five gallon jug(s), etc. ?

You could have gotten a quart worth of water along with that fuel.

Then you put some in the car and then the rest in the tractor.

If the tractor was fueled last from the jug, you very well could have put a quart of water in the tractor and none in the car.

By the way, what was that last "load" from? Jugs, a bulk tank, a fuel caddy or maybe a sky hook?
Did you drain the carb too, drain plug?

If not it may still be full of water.

I run my tractors full open on sediment bowls. There is no crap in the tanks of mine to worry about and I find out about any water in the fuel right away by inspecting the sediment bowl, before turning the fuel on/starting.

Only time I use the "reserve", is if I'm out working and worried about running out of fuel, then having to walk back to the barn.

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