Scam heads up

Received an email from a new user on the site that goes by "Leroysane" referring me to a James P Stallings "who has been selling John Deere #35 Loader Stands for many years" and gave me an email - [email protected] to contact. "James" sent me photos of a loader he has for sale. I thought it looked familiar, and it was in fact photos from a recent Aumann action in July of this year. James was very quick to throw out prices but had know idea what he was taking about, and very likely has never seen a loader in his life. Beware, it looks like "Leroysane's" recent activity has been creeping the wanted adds on this site, and is potentially scamming others..
If you feel so inclined I would suggest poking the “Report” button and explain the details to the moderators. I would do it but I don’t have any hard evidence against user Leroysane. Not that I don’t believe you. I assume you replied to an email address he sent you through a private message. Otherwise I don’t think there is a way for someone to get your email on here unless you have put it in a post. If you didn’t give it to him I think this sight would be concerned with a possible hacking of profile information here.
I reviewed that users activity and found somewhat suspicious activity connecting from multiple IP addresses. I banned them, if it is a real user and they reach out I will dig further into the issue you outlined. As of now, they have been removed from the forum.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

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