One of my high school buddies was the son of a lubrication engineer working for one of the major oil companies. My buddy's father swire by Pyroil B as a crankcase oil additive for sticky valves or lifters, He also said that Marvel Mystery Oil or Rislone would also work, but he thought the Pyroil B was the best of the three.
FYI: I never expect miracles on one that is already giving me problems. On those, I clean the carb thoroughly then rely on rec. fuel. I use Seafoam on anything that is going to set for any length of time, so my old tractors and car get it with every fill.
Seafoam works for some stuff but I don't see how you think it worked since the noise still comes and goes. I have replaced many phasers and I have never heard one make noises like you describe. They tick like a bad lifter or exh manifold leak. They will make most of the ticking noise at idle speed to 1500rpm. The component that might see the most benefit from seafoam would be the phaser actuators and oil passages or maybe a sticking chain tensioner.

With the miles on that engine I would think the problem lies in another component. Chain guides and hydraulic tensioners are plastic and are common failure items. I've seen chains so loose they wore through timing covers. If someone is going to replace the phasers only, they will have the valve covers off, you might ask them to take a close look at the cam lobes and roller followers too. I do hope it's a phaser so you don't have bigger problems though.
(quoted from post at 16:03:35 05/06/23) Snake oil manufacturers depend on guys with imagination.

I don't think it's snake oil, just some concentrated solvents that may be enough to dissolve moderate gunk buildup. As someone noted, if used in oil I'd want to change it after the apparent problem cleared. In fuel the gunk dissolve should be burned off. If you've ever cleaned a carburator with a can of spray carb cleaner you know that good solvents will remove the gunk that the detergents in gas didn't get.

This post was edited by wp6529 on 05/06/2023 at 02:09 pm.

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