Sediment bowl versus valve


The sediment bowl on my farmall H is not sealing when tightened and is continuing to feed out of the barb. Can anybody explain to me why a valve and an in-line fuel filter would be a worse idea for my Farmall H rather than replacing the sediment bowl?
The sediment bowl on my farmall H is not sealing when tightened and is continuing to feed out of the barb. Can anybody explain to me why a valve and an in-line fuel filter would be a worse idea for my Farmall H rather than replacing the sediment bowl?
It’s not worse , it way better. I’ve replaced all mine ( I think 11 ) with ball valves and inline filters and several customers tractors ( probably 30-40 ). Never had a problem and never had a complaint. I change the filters once a year. I personally hate sediment bowls
It’s not worse , it way better. I’ve replaced all mine ( I think 11 ) with ball valves and inline filters and several customers tractors ( probably 30-40 ). Never had a problem and never had a complaint. I change the filters once a year. I personally hate sediment bowls
What size ball valve/style do I need to purchase as well as what inline filter?
Valve would be fine just no filtration to the valve. As for the inline filter some claim the flow is impeded by the filter thus starving the engine for fuel. I would not tend to say one way or the other .We do have an inline filter on our H. And GM Chevette electronic ignition in place of the conventional distributor and points . Only problem I see is there is no mechanical advance due to the engine speed of the H versus the engine speed in the Chevette. Is about twice as fast at regular operating speed. Not a big deal since if it will not pull the load we just go to a bigger tractor for the job. We do use the H on 50-60 foot 8 inch augers loading bins and trucks with no problems and lots of other jobs similar. I even used it on my 40 foot 10 inch auger loading out bins last winter . You did notice a slight load on it with the bigger auger size on it. Still worked fine.
Just a valve that has similar size through capacity to the old line size then fittings to fit the valve and hose. You don't want to restrict the flow.
What size ball valve/style do I need to purchase as well as what inline filter?
3/8 npt brass street elbow to screw into tank, 3/8 npt brass nipple, 3/8 ball valve, 3/8 npt x 5/16” brass hose barb, Napa 3032 filter. Should solder a 3/4-1” long copper stand pipe into the threaded end of elbow that screws into tank
3/8 npt brass street elbow to screw into tank, 3/8 npt brass nipple, 3/8 ball valve, 3/8 npt x 5/16” brass hose barb, Napa 3032 filter. Should solder a 3/4-1” long copper stand pipe into the threaded end of elbow that screws into tank
I like this idea. Do you have any pictures?
The sediment bowl on my farmall H is not sealing when tightened and is continuing to feed out of the barb. Can anybody explain to me why a valve and an in-line fuel filter would be a worse idea for my Farmall H rather than replacing the sediment bowl?
u can also buy new sediment bowls. nothing like the factory deal. you can see when it gets water and dirt in them to clean them. those inline filters were for the fuel being pushed through them and not the best thing for gravity. how can u see water in an inline filter till the tractor comes to a stop. you will not make it better than what they came with, but an inline will work.
I had trouble as well. Turns out it was my fault. I replaced the screen on my Case sediment bowl and I had the wrong screen. On a Case (and probably others) there is a rim inside the glass bowl. The screen should fit into that rim. If it is too big, the gasket will not keep it from leaking.
I would fix the sediment bowl. Any water in the fuel from condensation will go right through the filter and end up in the carburetor. The alcohol fuel we have today loves to pull moisture right out of the air and collect it. If it collects too much it does what we call a "puke" of he water out into the fuel tank.
I would fix the sediment bowl. Any water in the fuel from condensation will go right through the filter and end up in the carburetor. The alcohol fuel we have today loves to pull moisture right out of the air and collect it. If it collects too much it does what we call a "puke" of he water out into the fuel tank.
The sediment bowl is leaking out the outlet when closed. It’s not leaking around the seal. Is this fixable or does this just warrant for a new sediment bowl assembly?
u can also buy new sediment bowls. nothing like the factory deal. you can see when it gets water and dirt in them to clean them. those inline filters were for the fuel being pushed through them and not the best thing for gravity. how can u see water in an inline filter till the tractor comes to a stop. you will not make it better than what they came with, but an inline will work.
Do you have a link you can send me or a part number to a website?
u can also buy new sediment bowls. nothing like the factory deal. you can see when it gets water and dirt in them to clean them. those inline filters were for the fuel being pushed through them and not the best thing for gravity. how can u see water in an inline filter till the tractor comes to a stop. you will not make it better than what they came with, but an inline will work.
Kind of a broad statement that inline filters are just for pressure systems. The Napa number I gave him is a gravity flow, Baldwin has them too as well as Napa. You guys must get a lot of water in your tanks.

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