Seeking Ford 4000 injector lines


New User
I have an old style 4000 4 cylinder diesel. Roosamaster pump. I have no injector lines. I cannot find a source for injector lines.
1. Does anyone know the fitting size/style on the injectors?
2. Are there any other lines that would work. Just looking from a distance the 806 we have seems to have very similar lines. I know they would not be correct length and shape but.....grasping at straws here.

Any ideas? Thanks
I have an old style 4000 4 cylinder diesel. Roosamaster pump. I have no injector lines. I cannot find a source for injector lines.
1. Does anyone know the fitting size/style on the injectors?
2. Are there any other lines that would work. Just looking from a distance the 806 we have seems to have very similar lines. I know they would not be correct length and shape but.....grasping at straws here.

Any ideas? Thanks
Try Ag States, they probably have some used lines.
I have an old style 4000 4 cylinder diesel. Roosamaster pump. I have no injector lines. I cannot find a source for injector lines.
1. Does anyone know the fitting size/style on the injectors?
2. Are there any other lines that would work. Just looking from a distance the 806 we have seems to have very similar lines. I know they would not be correct length and shape but.....grasping at straws here.

Any ideas? Thanks
Fleabay has them for sure
The original injector lines on a 4 cylinder 4000 did not use banjo fittings. From the parts drawing, the only part of that system that used banjo fittings was the excess fuel leak-off tube. Here is a link to the parts drawing:

The part numbers for the injector lines are C0NN9A555E, C0NN9A556E, C0NN9A557E and C0NN9A558E. Search on those part numbers on Google, Amazon or ebay and you will find them.
The original injector lines on a 4 cylinder 4000 did not use banjo fittings. From the parts drawing, the only part of that system that used banjo fittings was the excess fuel leak-off tube. Here is a link to the parts drawing:

The part numbers for the injector lines are C0NN9A555E, C0NN9A556E, C0NN9A557E and C0NN9A558E. Search on those part numbers on Google, Amazon or ebay and you will find them.
The EARLY 4000 Ford 172 diesel four cylinder used the same lines as the 871 I have, the pump ends ARE a banjo bolt end and injector end is 60 degree cone end using M12 X 1.5 line nuts. The 971/981 lines would work too if he is looking for good used.
I have an old style 4000 4 cylinder diesel. Roosamaster pump. I have no injector lines. I cannot find a source for injector lines.
1. Does anyone know the fitting size/style on the injectors?
2. Are there any other lines that would work. Just looking from a distance the 806 we have seems to have very similar lines. I know they would not be correct length and shape but.....grasping at straws here.

Any ideas? Thanks
these guys had them new a couple years ago.
I have an old style 4000 4 cylinder diesel. Roosamaster pump. I have no injector lines. I cannot find a source for injector lines.
1. Does anyone know the fitting size/style on the injectors?
2. Are there any other lines that would work. Just looking from a distance the 806 we have seems to have very similar lines. I know they would not be correct length and shape but.....grasping at straws here.

Any ideas? Thanks
All 4 lines are available through this site and a number of other locations
Found them on this site in 801 fuel section
All 4 lines are available through this site and a number of other locations
Found them on this site in 801 fuel section
Well I'll be dang. I am no tech wiz but I have done my fair share of internet parts ordering but I dang sure had not had any luck finding these. Even with you all directing me it was still an embarrassing struggle. But there they are! And an injector pump that I thought you could no longer get! Thanks a bunch everyone.
From a 1938 John Deere A rod to steering clutch parts for a HD6G Crawler and now Ford injector lines, these forums and the helpful people.on them keep old iron up and going. Thanks a million.
Well I'll be dang. I am no tech wiz but I have done my fair share of internet parts ordering but I dang sure had not had any luck finding these. Even with you all directing me it was still an embarrassing struggle. But there they are! And an injector pump that I thought you could no longer get! Thanks a bunch everyone.
Don't feel bad. So many times I go flailing about and forget all about YT. Like today.

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