Silk Hope Old Fashioned Farmers Days

43rd run of Silk Hope Ruritan Club's Old Fashioned Farmers Days this weekend, Sept 1-2, 2018. About 7 miles northeast of Siler City, NC. Tobacco was strung on wooden sticks last Saturday and hung in an 1850's log barn to be "flue-cured" by wood fire during this week.
Follow us on Facebook: Come and visit the past! Marvel at how things were done not just 43, but many years ago!
From the Music Barn near the main entrance, to the Junior Dairy Show right beside it, down to the Jack Johnson Steam Complex with its woodworking and cotton processing equipment, back by the Grist Mill for some freshly ground corn meal (no additives!), a few steps more to watch skilled craftsmen work iron in the Blacksmith Shop, then see life in a quieter time around the Log Cabin Homestead with its tobacco and livestock barns, along with much, much more to see and enjoy! New this year is the Frick #02 Sawmill installed beside and soon to be powered by the Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Engine. There will be a large exhibit of antique tractors of all colors - some restored, some in work clothes! Listen for some music from the Outdoor Stage near the Blacksmith Shop and visit the vendors nearby. Keep in mind the clogging, Kiddie Tractor Pull, Sunday Church service and other events in the Music Barn. But don't forget to go by the Ice Cream Building for a cold cup of Steam Cream!! (A steam engine powers the line-shaft that turns the 5 gallon churns.)

Please consider the countless hours and decades of dedication and vanishing "know how" put into our display of working older equipment. Think of all the advances that have been made through the years as you might walk through this living museum with active displays of older equipment and ways to do things! Think of the back-breaking labor and human sweat that some of these machines replaced and the advances in safety that came later.
Silk Hope Ruritan Club

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