Simple 240 generator wiring routing question


Hello everyone. Happy long weekend. I am hoping to get a quick answer on this. I am putting the head back on my 240 that has been in the shop for awhile. The generator wire routes under the mounted triangular thermostat housing that has three bolts. Two of the 3 housing bolts had a wire harness clamp on them for the generator wires. Can anyone tell me what bolts should have the wire harness clamp on them to hold these wires? It looks like it will be very difficult to move them once I get the head installed. Right now I have one wire clamp on bolt on the spark plug side of the water jacket and that seems right but not sure. Does the other wire clamp go on the lower middle bolt or on the generator side bolt? Thank You!
Been too long since I touched those particular parts on a 240 (probably since 1965). But the drawing in the Parts Catalog looks familiar. Only one clip goes on the thermostat housing bolts, the left side. Two more go on the valve cover studs. Orient the clips to the right so the harness runs along the distributor side of the studs. Continuing toward the regulator, the next clip is bolted to the right side of the head, on a boss near the back. A final one is on the front fuel tank support, left mounting bolt. All but the one bolted to the head are identical clips.
Well Thank you! That is an impressive answer. Based on your answer i now know how the other cable holders go also.

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