Slightly stuck clutch?


New User
I have a John Deere 650 that I have adjusted the clutch pedal to have about a half inch of free play but the clutch still drags. I push the clutch pedal in and the hears grind until I jam it into gear. With the pedal in the tractor still inches forward, but when I push the brake it stops. It doesn’t matter what gear or range. Short of splitting the tractor, what are my options? Again, the clutch is not stuck. It just drags enough to not fully disengage.
A warped disc structure or failing hub will cause an edge of the friction surfaces to drag on the Pressure Plate and flywheel. Another issue is a failing Pressure plate with pivot points that allow the plate to touch the disc even when released.
A pilot bearing that is seizing is also possible. Splitting is really the only answer. Jim

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