sorry if i missed this - notification issue

lol. i got 2 more alerts, and the little box is back :)

unfortunately, i also got one email. both were new posts in threads i had posted to before.
lol. i got 2 more alerts, and the little box is back :)

unfortunately, i also got one email. both were new posts in threads i had posted to before.
So it sounds like if a post, thread or forum was specifically watched, the email notifications continue for them. If you go to the thread you got the email for, does the Watch status show as Watch or Unwatch? If the latter, it's explicitly watched. Why it would send mail I don't know.
forgot all about updating this. my bad. the bell is always red. it's the little box with a number in that browser tab that's blue. nothing to do with windows color options.
At least you get e-mails. It has been well over a week since I got one but yet I have all the boxes checked
You brought this up about a month ago. Since you are still having an issue with notifications use the "Contact Us" button and send the Admin a direct message. They will work with you to find the problem. There is a "Contact Us" button in the gray bar above the Forums and one in the red bar at the very bottom of the page.
no. i still get emails (for SOME things, even tho i thought i had everything turned off)- but no blue box :(
At least you get e-mails. It has been well over a week since I got one but yet I have all the boxes checked
You brought this up about a month ago. Since you are still having an issue with notifications use the "Contact Us" button and send the Admin a direct message. They will work with you to find the problem. There is a "Contact Us" button in the gray bar above the Forums and one in the red bar at the very bottom of the page.
I did that and was basically told by e-mail that they had other things to do so they never helped me with this problem which is still as it was and I am not getting notifications

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