Starter Early Farmall Super M

I have an early Farmall Super M puller that recently got a new engine, increased to 421cui.

My current starter doesn't have enough power to start the engine.
Anyone know if starter cones can be switched out? Current starter is 2 bolt nose cone, but wondering if I get a 560 diesel starter if I can switch out the nose cone to the 2 bolt.

Ideally wanted a gear reduction starter but having a hard time finding one for a super m.

If that 6 volt starter is in good shape it should turn it over on 12 volts. Cables big enough? Good strong battery?
I have an early Farmall Super M puller that recently got a new engine, increased to 421cui.

My current starter doesn't have enough power to start the engine.
Anyone know if starter cones can be switched out? Current starter is 2 bolt nose cone, but wondering if I get a 560 diesel starter if I can switch out the nose cone to the 2 bolt.

Ideally wanted a gear reduction starter but having a hard time finding one for a super m.

A thought. Small air cooled engines with overhead valves have a special cam that uses either the intake or exhaust valve as a decompression valve. It opens briefly during the compression stroke, If the decompression valve doesn't open you think the engine is locked, bad starter or a dead battery.
As a kid I had a 50cc moped. It was a cycle and a lever I pushed to relieve pressure on the compression stroke.
Back in the day, John Deere had a decompression valve, peptcock, we had to open or you couldn't turn the flywheel.
Just a few ideas about old school tech.
A 421 CU the starter drive or starter teeth may not agree with you trying to start it even if you find a larger starter.
I lost 2 starter drives on A Farmall and a Jubilee only because the 6 volt starter didn't like to work on 12v.
I bought a 12v starter of YT for the Jubilee and couldn't find a 12v starter for the Farmall.
So I use a small mower battery for my Farmall C.
My point is a bigger starter won't do anything but twist off starter drives and shear off teeth on the starter ring.
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The early Super M with the 2-bolt starter is almost identical to the Farmall M that IH made almost 298,000 of from 1939 to 1952. There are only two main differences, cubic inches in the engine, and disc brakes. Neither of those affects the starter.

There are plenty of options for geared starters for the Farmall M that will fit your tractor just fine.
Maybe it is possible to find a ring gear with finer teeth? There would be more of them & more torque. You would need the drive to match.
I have an early Farmall Super M puller that recently got a new engine, increased to 421cui.

My current starter doesn't have enough power to start the engine.
Anyone know if starter cones can be switched out? Current starter is 2 bolt nose cone, but wondering if I get a 560 diesel starter if I can switch out the nose cone to the 2 bolt.

Ideally wanted a gear reduction starter but having a hard time finding one for a super m.

Have you had the starter apart? If it has only 2 field coils, get a 4 coil field coil put in.
When was your starter last serviced?A dragging starterwill have trouble turning an engine.You need to have suffiencient size cable to carry enough voltage.409 is a lot of cubes,high compression too? A standard 6 V is going to struggle. Convert to 12 volt. Your 6V starter will handle 12 v no issue. If that is a concern,take it to a rebuilder and get it rebuilt to 12 volt.You wont need a fancy gear reduction starter.
I have an early Farmall Super M puller that recently got a new engine, increased to 421cui.

My current starter doesn't have enough power to start the engine.
Anyone know if starter cones can be switched out? Current starter is 2 bolt nose cone, but wondering if I get a 560 diesel starter if I can switch out the nose cone to the 2 bolt.

Ideally wanted a gear reduction starter but having a hard time finding one for a super m.

Lemmons tractor or Marlatt engines

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