Static time a tractor engien

Charlie M

Well-known Member
I'm back to working our Ford 4000 forklift at our rail road museum. I've had some previous posts here if it looks familiar to anyone. Its a 4 cylinder gas engine. My questions about static timing the engine. I've had the distributor completely out of the tractor for inspection and clean up. There was a lot of junk in with the timing weights. So I 've read if the tractor was running I would time it at 5 degrees BTDC. I can roll the engine until that mark comes up and I've confirmed #1 piston is there on the compression stroke. I have put the 5 degree mark into the middle of the inspection opening since I don't find a pointer to set it to. Is that a good position to static time the engine or since there are no RPM's should I put the engine on a different setting to time like that. I've static timed Farmalls but I'm still learning the differences with this Ford. I do have a good spark now which I had none a few weeks ago.
Timing it to TDC is accurate, and it will run like that. Once running use a timing light at slow idle to set the 5 degrees. If it trys to turn against the starter move it toward retard till it starts reliably, but not past TDC in the retard direction. Jim
I'm back to working our Ford 4000 forklift at our rail road museum. I've had some previous posts here if it looks familiar to anyone. Its a 4 cylinder gas engine. My questions about static timing the engine. I've had the distributor completely out of the tractor for inspection and clean up. There was a lot of junk in with the timing weights. So I 've read if the tractor was running I would time it at 5 degrees BTDC. I can roll the engine until that mark comes up and I've confirmed #1 piston is there on the compression stroke. I have put the 5 degree mark into the middle of the inspection opening since I don't find a pointer to set it to. Is that a good position to static time the engine or since there are no RPM's should I put the engine on a different setting to time like that. I've static timed Farmalls but I'm still learning the differences with this Ford. I do have a good spark now which I had none a few weeks ago.
I posted this before. It's the instructions for static timing from the Ford service manual. They have a picture of what you should see at the timing port.

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