Stuck Differential lock


Well-known Member
I have an IHC 574 and the differential lock is stuck. I have seldom, or perhaps never used the lock as I see no need for it. I cannot get down on the ground to see how it works. Maybe the linkage is broken. any suggestions?
I'm not familiar with your tractor so this answer is generic.

Usually to engage a diff lock you need to be putting some pressure on the pedal or lever with the tractor in motion so the gears and collars can line up and engage.
Try hitting one brake pedal then the other while driving forward and then backwards, and blipping the throttle at the same time....and lubricate whatever linkage is visible.

you should do a visual on the subject and follow linkages as maybe on is dry or stuck with dirt from not being used. or get someone to have a look.
I have a IH 474 that will do the same thing sometimes. You or someone else have to get on the ground so you can see under the right foot rest, then use a small pry bar or tire iron to pop out the diff. lock. Then spray some lub. on it to keep it loose. Easy fix. Getting down is easy, getting back up is the hard part.
I have freed up several of these, and each one has been the linkage, and/or the little pedal itself. You just have to remove linkage pins, and lube and free up. I had a 574 and freed it up when I bought it. I now have a 485, and I use it all the time. When I am out of the 'trouble' spot and want it to release, I usually have to tap one or the other brake pedal, to take pressure off of the internals because they bind up when one wheel turns /or wants, to turn faster than the other.
I use mine going down my hills when bush hogging, locking both wheels at the same speed, so one wheel does not try to turn faster than the other, and so the tractor does not get out of control. I use it pulling the baler up the steepest hills, and downhill also, and most of the times setting round bales out, trying to get out of the mud. I'll admit I could just use my brakes in all of these situations, but, the dif-lock works better all around. Mark.
Just don't pound on the pedal with hammers as most are a cast pedal and will break pretty easy. Pressure either way with plenty of oil or diesel fuel sprayed on it as you move it will get it loose to come off so you can clean up the parts and return to position. I find diesel fuel will soak into places oil does not, or it will faster than oil.

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