Stuck Pin on replacement part - JD Front Support


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Any ideas how to get a stuck pin unstuck off a jd2040. I am in the process of replacing the Front Support that hold the pivot axle.

The one that was on my JD2040 was cracked. I found a good, inexpensive replacement part for the same money.

I was able to replace the bushing in the front with a homemade al-thread puller.

But now I am having difficulty removing the rear solid pin from the front support.

It has two clips, which I have removed, but it is still stuck. I have hit it with the sledge hammer a couple of times without success.

It is 1.57 Diameter about 4 inches long piece of steel threw a couple inch long hole. I believe it is just supposed to slide out with 10 thousands clearance.

So I guess over the years it has rusted in place?

An suggestions - I hate just hitting the crap out of the pin. I sure do not want to crack this casting.

Which 2040 do you have? The clip from a parts catalog in your November 4th post is the front support for the Mannheim 2040's serial number 350999. Your current description of the rear pin sounds like your 2040 is serial number 349999 or before. The front axle's rear mount hole has a bushing in it and the axle pivots on the rear pin, the pin does not pivot in the rear of the support. There is a bushing in the front of the support and the front pin can pivot in that bushing.

Do you have the service manual for your tractor? That should explain taking it apart.

IF you in fact have the earlier 2040, I do not believe rust is your problem, the rear front support pin is pressed into the support housing. My 2030 uses that same front support and pin arrangement. The snap ring nearest the center of the rear pin sets the engagement in the support hole, the rear snap ring holds the axle. The rear pin has to be driven out of the front support per the 2030 manual. What does your manual tell you?
On bigger JD's the manual has you weld the head of a 6 inch bolt to the end of the pin, then cut a length of pipe that goes over the pin and bolt leaving a good inch of threads showing. then have a washer or plate that goes over the bolt and tighten a nut on the bolt threads, pulling pin from housing. Can use a shorter bolt if you want and add washers as you pull pin, might have to have a longer pipe if you run out of bolt/threads. Have done a few.
Thank you for the replies. You are right, the pin is pressed into place. I was able to pull it out and get the new pin installed. In my old front support, the casing was cracked and the pin just slide out, so I did not know it was press into place before the casing cracked. I now have a fully rebuild front support with all new bushing and pins in place. Ready to start the reinstall. Now I have to rebuild the pivot axle, but the work seems to be going smoother. Thanks again. Jim

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