I have no experience with Your equipment However , I have unlocked many shifters ,,. As long as You are not Cog lokt ,,. You can drive it and goose the throttle and simultaniously speed shift glide the shifter out of its spot into neutral ,.. If you are in gears and cog lokt ,,. I feel there is no option except to break apart the transmission ,.. Good Luck
JD 2640 (372389T) range shifter is stuck in high range. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
To be clear, I believe are you asking about the gear shift lever mounted on the transmission, left side, not a hi-lo shifter under the steering wheel.

Based on what you posted, here is my guess of what your problem is, you were shifting from Hi to reverse. I am guessing you likely have wear in the shift lever and rails. When they get worn it is easy to slip out of the Hi fork when going into reverse, especially when one "rounds the corner", rather than following a good "H" pattern shift. Pull the shift lever, use a large screwdriver and center the Hi - Park fork up with the Lo - reverse fork and re-install your shift lever. Use care shifting in the future. Just a guess based on seeing it done (not me, but I had to fix it).

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