stump grinder

A couple months ago I asked if anyone had any experience with one of these stump grinders. Well I ordered one and it arrived Wed. Cut the PTO shaft and got
it mounted this afternoon. It works pretty well, I have ground 4 stumps already. There is too much sideways movement when I touch it to a stump. I need to
re invent the stabilizer bars as all I have now are x braced turn buckles between the lift arms that get in a bind if I raise it very high. Ellis

I don't believe you will stop the sway as long as the grinding wheel set cross ways. It will just go to the side and stop when it reaches the end of the travel. I suppose you could put shim blocks against the one side so it can only move to them and stop. This would allow it to swing only the one way when not in use.
Glad to hear you got it working better. My Kubota three point is set up with the braces and locking pins and it works slick. I have taken out around fifteen stumps with that unit so far. A couple of them were five foot around. I am happy with the construction quality of it.

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