Super 88 diesel starter


Well-known Member
My new to me super 88 diesel has a foot operated lever to engage the starter, I’ve seen some with a hand lever to engage the starter. I have the power booster lever from a 770 that I parted out years ago that I want to use for the starter. I thought it bolted to the holes for hydraulic unit but the holes don’t line up. What am I missing here??
I think the drain pipe is in the way. That can be removed and put in the front-most position where the square drive plug is. Put that plug where the pipe is now.
This is where it is on my 880 parts tractor


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Yes, and less load on starter not having to spin the tranny, especially when it’s cold weather. You do it your way,I’ll do it my way. I was taught to check the oil first, hold clutch down and let start it
An automatic reflex. Get in put foot on clutch, then start engine. After years of doing this I am not aware of the action and when I got my first automatic transmission my foot still went to push the clutch down. Of course it helps cement the action on the old cars with foot starter by the gas pedal. One can really go fast if one forgets the clutch and car starts.

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