i cant give a 100 percent yes, but would think they would be the same as its the same engine. count the bendix teeth also.
setting here thinking as i have only been around one W9 and that was 63 years ago and as for the T 9 /T D 9's just about that long ago but on the Dozers the starter was on the left side inft. of the flywheel and i am thinking on the W 9 it was BEHIND the flywheel so NO they will not interchange.
Think they are both in front of flywheel. Can't say if interchangeable. Some starters were different from start to end of the 9 series.
actually i just went out to check on my w9 ... the starter is in front of the flywheel. makes me wonder why the poster dont give more info
for us. we help all we can. the w6's have the starter behind the flywheel.
Well when it comes to the OLD I H crawlers i was around all of them from the T D 9 up thru the T D 24's Till the guy i worked for went on a drunken sailor buying spree and it was out with the old and in with the new . The heavy equipment salesman were living in tall cotton . Dozers. pans graders all being swapped out , gone were the old cable blades gone were the straight gear drive and hand clutches . Only three hand clutch machines were left and that was three T D 9 's with a center mounted crane boom that served for infield service on equipment . This was back before fancy service trucks with mounted cranes as they could handle up to 10000 lbs , for service lifting over that depend in WHAT it fell onto the larger track cranes . So at times i ran one of them T D 9's with the crane boom as i did many different jobs while i worked there . Today ya might find me driving the one low boy the next i might be running my dozer pushing pans or ripping rock , working in the cut or fill area by afternoon i might be tearing into a finial drive on another dozer . Now as to the W 9 there was one of them tat was used SOMETIMES but i never had any dealings with it , it was used to pull a small rubber tired roller on really small jobs one like you might see today at a tractor pull. It sat in the far back bay where the semi tractors were kept and in the six years i was with the company i never saw it moved . And around here i only know of one other W9 and that one was repowered way back in the early 50's with a 4-71 Detroit and was used by the one BIG farmer of the time for chopping silage . SOOO what i know about a W9 is i know one when i see one , have i ever worked on one NOPE , have i ever driven one NOPE .
With price of scrap cannot loose too much if its a total junker. Localfarm sold a good running D7 cable. Buyer drove it on truck , haulrd to torch.


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