Devers, TX
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I saw on the news where because of some issues in India (not sure exactly what) that there is a huge demand for rice (at least over there and in Europe, etc) and people have already started hoarding it. A lot of problems resulting at grocery stores with fights breaking out, etc.
You want to see acres and acres of rice go to Arkansas.

Arkansas produces more rice than number 2 Louisiana 3
California and 4 Texas combined.

Louisiana most likely has the highest revenue per acre
because many double crop the rice fields with crawfish.

Both of these crops are in trouble because of cheap imports
making rice the most highly subsidized crop per acre in the
there lies the trouble in our country ,imports. if our govt would get away from some sectors we could do great feeding the world but nooo
One type of double cropping in S. Central Tx. is hunting leases. Dad and I used to have a great time hunting Dove in the fall and Geese and Ducks in the rice fields in season. Goose hunting used a pit dug in the ground with a straw mat top. Put out a spread of dekes and crawl in the hole and close the lid. Vector them with a good caller and throw back the lid and have at it.

Problem with that is that you put out your dekes in the dark and crawl into the hole. 2 poisonous pit vipers frequent that area: Rattlers and Moccasins. Makes you think twice about crawling down in the hole. The largest rattler I shot while Dove hunting had 15 rattles on his tail. A big snake. You hope winter hunting has put them to sleep....but no guarantees as it usually doesn't get all that cold down there.

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