1935 was the first year for the 3 speed and they never had a 4 speed. If you needed more speed and didnt care about heavy duty work then you could swap out the final drive sprockets for some smaller ones to bump up the speed.

This post was edited by GreenEnvy on 11/26/2023 at 11:30 am.
Ok,A friend has got a 52 i think, its a late one, for sure, his dad bought it new,he use to bring it too the plowing bee, i just assumed that one would of been a 4 speed, so the 52 would of been between a A and a G, for power ?
Your friend has sort of a unique D then because JD only made 423 of them that year and next year only 266 were made before production ended. That is out of over 160,000 Ds made. Oldest D I have seen is one I own which is a 49' same year the R came out. D sales dropped like a rock after the R came out from over ~6,700 units sold in 1949 to ~1,700 sold in 1950 and just went down from there. Power wise it would have been slightly more than both an A and G. Ds were 38 drawbar hp. The gas burning A and G were right around ~35 drawbar hp. Keep in mind though the D had 501 cubic inch displacement engine so that 38 hp felt much more compared to the other tractors.

This post was edited by GreenEnvy on 11/26/2023 at 04:24 pm.
OK, yeah it's a nice D, it's longer than the first ones, but he's got a nice R too, he plowed with that this fall and a 4 bottom plow, but i am sure he told me the D was a 52! So the D, must of been 4 or 5 to 1 compression?
The ratio is 3.9 to 1. One thing of note is JD did offer a high compression gas engine for the D starting in 1951. Those supposedly had 10 more hp than the low compression all fuel version. If thats true then high compression gas Ds would theoretically have more hp then the R. JD also offered a the high compression gas kit over the parts counter too. A gas D is something I have always wanted just to see how they performed.
Ohh don't say that now:):) That will attract a certain dumb response from certain someone. We never had a D back in that era but we started the 50s with IH W-9 and WD9 and finished the decade with an R and 830.

This post was edited by GreenEnvy on 11/26/2023 at 06:22 pm.
(quoted from post at 03:05:18 11/27/23) Yeah but the R. was underated,!

Ohh don't say that now:):) That will attract a certain dumb response from certain someone. We never had a D back in that era but we started the 50s with IH W-9 and WD9 and finished the decade with an R and 830.
The rare ones to find would be the 53s last year made and assembled out on the street from left over parts. They called them streeters. Plus the later ones had individual brakes is another thing collectors look for.

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