the wrong color


Well-known Member
I'm spending the weekend at the Albert City Iowa threshermans show. High lighted tractor is Allis Chalmers, particularly the WD-45, 70 years old and 50th anniversary of the 7000 series. A sea of Persian orange. As opposed to my favorite,Flambeau red which some mistake for orange. lol. The grounds received 8/10s inches of rain Thursday nite so the plowing today was a bit sticky but most got a few rounds in. Wheat combining went well as did the corn shelling, the sheller powered by a UC Allis, one I've never seen. Watched a few cedar shingles get cut had some ice cream. Was a good day even tho it was close to or at 90 degrees with little wind. Watched the hoses plow up potatoes and THE KIDS (Chuck) gather them. Will be another busy day tomorrow. gobble
Sounds like a good time even though the colors are a little I've been getting ready for a large Case featured show this coming week not far from me. Taking 10 tractors to show and use.
Watch for me tomorrow. I drive around in an old Yamaha golf cart with two black straps on the front holding the top from flipping back when I haul it. I'll be wearing my Roundhouse bibs and a dark blue Threshermens ball cap.
i have a WD, plus i'm party colorblind. is that color as ugly to everyone else as it is to me?
No, I like Chevrolet motor orange, AC Persian orange, and flambeau red orange, hard to tell the difference unless right next to each other and maybe still hard. But ugly?----No never ugly. have a great weekend. gobble
duly noted, tom, but still ugly to me. i love my WD, but not for its color.
Did they still have that old 2-cycle single cylinder diesel engine popping away there at the Albert City show? Leo
IaLEO, there are so many engines popping away I have no idea which you are specifically speaking of. gobble

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